My Story

From Worrier to Warrior

As a child, I was the worrier.

The sensitive one. The emotional one. The one who cared too much. Who felt too much. Who thought too much. Who WAS too much.

I cried ALOT. I was ashamed of this. I wanted to be seen as “strong, confident, resilient and cool!”.

I wanted to be someone else.

This feeling continued into my 20s. Despite “achieving” by society’s standards and confirming (always the “good girl”), I often felt anxious, overwhelmed, and not good enough. I didn’t feel I could be whole self at work. I people-pleased my way through the days and partied my way through the nights. I climbed the corporate ladder meeting some lifelong friends along the way but never felt truly fulfilled or proud of what I did.

Over the years, I experienced periods of debilitating anxiety and burnout - but I didn’t question it, I actually sccepted it as normal, until I had children.

Having it all

My biggest dream was to have a family. And I couldn’t see how I would be able to be the mother I wanted to be and still have a fulfilling job. So after the birth of my first child I resigned. I remember how shocked my colleagues were, highlighting the disconnect between who I was at work and who I was at home.

For years, I felt the invisible pressure to “go back to work”. I felt shame and I hated being financially dependent on my partner. Looking after my children felt in my bones like the most important job in the world but the reality was it was the least valued job in the world. I felt invisible. But part of me was really happy - I had what I had always wanted, two healthy children. So why did I feel so stuck? I felt I had to sacrifice part of myself for the sake of my family. And I couldn’t see how we would make it work practically, emotionally and financially if I was working for an organisation that couldn’t meet my needs as a parent.

Brexistential Crisis

In 2016 the Brexit result shook me to my core. I knew it was a symptom of something deeper that needed to be addressed. So I found an amazing psychotherapist who helped me make sense of the anxious thoughts that had dominated my mind since childhood. Once I’d unpacked and processed the root cause, I felt energised to move forward.

In early 2018 I booked myself onto Unleash the Power Within - this was a pivotal moment for me. It equipped me with the optimal mindset, motivation and courage I needed to take the plunge and make my life work on my terms.

Since 2018, I have been helping women to find happiness, fulfilment, confidence and courage at work. I’ve never felt happier or more fulfilled myself. I have found a career which is aligned with WHO I AM and that allows me to meet all my needs as a working mother hence why this is the foundation of my career change programme.

What gets me up in the morning

Imagine a world where our social systems actively supported parents to nurture their children AND their career aspirations.

Instead we are faced with obstacles to happiness and fulfilment wherever we turn eg inflexible working hours, pressure to physically be in the workplace, the gender pay gap, gender bias, toxic work cultures and micro aggressions, school hours, school holidays, expensive childcare, lack of school places and funding for children with special needs, the list goes on. When faced with all these obstacles it’s not surprising women are fleeing the workplace or stuck in a job that doesn’t fulfil them.

It is possible to navigate the juggle on your own particularly if your employer is genuinely inclusive but I think for most women this is not the case. Having a safe, confidential and non-judgemental space to be heard, and understood can feel so validating and having a thinking partner to help you get unstuck is often just what you need.

The obstacles to career happiness for women and particularly working parents are real. With over 1000 hours of coaching hours under my belt coaching women in organisations I can validate the frustration you feel. And I can support you to navigate the unique obstacles that are keeping you small and unfulfilled. Together we will form a special partnership to enable you to find a way be the person you know you have the potential to be at home AND at work.

I would love to meet you and hear your story.

Find out how we could work together by clicking the button below.